Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Funny neighbors

This piece of furniture has been standing in our common basement outside the stores for some weeks now. It doesn't bother me that someone has put it there, but it is standing infront of a radiator so I guess it can effect the heating of the basement?

Anyway, I found this note on it:

I find it quite amusing that people are writing notes as if they were the propertykeeper and that the person with the furniture has replied :)

Translation into English:
"Remove your stuff before the 30/10 or we will throw it away /The Propertykeeper"

"Bullshit! Wallenstam/Lamaro doesn't write any handwritten notes! Only computermade!! Let me have my things here!!"


Emybloom said...

Haha that's funny

ma said...

maybe you can have some use of it in your apartment...? :)