Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eating out

One of the many nice things about having friends visiting is that you get a good excuse for going out. On Sunday evening we went to the sushi-place, Dao, next to the post office where you eat as much as you like and the food comes on a belt. As if we hadn't had enough food at Hard Rock..

And yesterday we went to Rosa Negra for mexican food and some more of their delicius raspberry mojitos.

Sushi buffé
Mexican at Rosa Negra.

Sadly Janni and Benjamin are going home today, so no more eating out for a while. But that will be good for my wallet. Because as a good friend, guide and hostess, I followed B&J to Diagonal Mar shopping center yesterday, and got home with a new bag, earrings, a top and a beach-dress. oops.

Now I'm meeting them for a goodbye-coffee at Foc :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Åh det var så lækkert! Håber ikke at det var for meget "gå ud".
Lidt ærgeligt at være hjemme igen :( Jeg har 10 maskinfulde vasketøj hehe. Super gode billeder - jeg må bruge et på min profil! Dejligt at se jer - der må ikke gå så lang tid igen. Kys og kram