Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Thought of having a wordless Wednesday, with only pictures and no (or almost no) text. The first one will be A normal day for Charlie the dog:

(Well at first Kasper takes him out for his morning walk and gives him food, but I usually sleep, so no pics of that..)
Waking up in mom's bed..
Sleeping some more on the couch
(but keeps an eye on me eating breakfast)
Having the last of my yoghurt
Looking out through the window
Chewing on a bone
Going for a walk to the park. Hiding under the bushes with
his ball so the other big dog can't take it (and because it's in the shade)

Posing for the blog infront of Castell dels tres dragons
in Parc de la Ciutadella
Walking home next to mom. Wet after a shower
Sleeping some more
Playing with and biting his blanket, but gives me the look
"What, I haven't done anything"
Sitting on the balcony in the sun
Good night

(Yeah in between he goes out some more and has dinner)

1 comment:

ma said...

awwwww such a cute dog!
Maybe next Wednesday the same thing but with pics of his cute mom? :)